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Kambo is known as the vaccine of the forest. It is humanly harvested from the secretion of the Amazonian tree frog, Philomedusa Bicolor. The secretion is compromised of a complex blend of bioactive peptides that have amazing benefits for the mind, body and spirit. It works by delivering potent bioactive peptides directly into the lymphatic system and is a complete detox for your body.

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Benefits of Kambo

  • antimicrobial

  • anti-fungal

  • anti-viral

  • anti-inflammitory

  • analgesic(1000 x stronger than morphine)

  • immune system modulato

  • detoxifier

Kambo is a natural remedy that contains peptides with the exceptional ability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier and provide healing to areas that are typically challenging to treat. This unique feature makes Kambo a promising alternative therapy option for individuals seeking effective and distinctive solutions for their health concerns.

​Diseases Kambo treats:

  • Lymes Disease

  • Rheumatism

  • Hepatitis

  • Diabetes

  • Addiction

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Candida(yeast overgrowth)

  • Fertility

    • increases circulation in reproductive organs, flushes toxins and stimulates production of reproductive hormones

  • Depression

    • activates and deactivates neurotransmitters. Improves mental clarity and aids in dissolving emotional blockages​

  • Thyroid Disease

    • immune system modulator​

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Kambo is an Ordeal Medicine

Kambo is a powerful medicine that is served in a ceremonial setting. It is considered an ordeal medicine, as it challenges the individual to surrender to and embrace forces greater than themselves. This holistic medicine treats the mind, body, and spirit, and can be a transformative experience for those who are open its intensity.

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