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What to expect from a Kambo ceremony?


Kambo is a powerful medicine best approached with great respect. Kambo is regarded as an “ordeal medicine” and with good reason. We want to be perfectly clear that the experience, while lasting only 20-40 minutes, it is intense. Below is a generalized breakdown of how the Kambo ceremony and experience generally flows:

  • Upon arrival you will settle in at your “nest” that we set up for you. This includes a padded mat and a blanket.

  • I will go over the treatment plan with you and you have an opportunity to ask any last minute questions.

  • The ceremony is opened by smudging the space and giving thanks to the medicine, followed by an offering of two other sacred medicines, Rapé and Sananga.

  • Application of the medicine will begin with one person at a time. I will heat one end of a stick of healing incense used to burn a number of small “gates” at the points previously discussed (beginning treatments are usually given on the upper left arm for men, and the inside of the lower right leg for women). Meanwhile, you will begin drinking 64oz of water provided. You will be encouraged to drink about 32oz before the medicine is applied.

  • Then I constitutes and prepare the medicine with either saliva or water(your choice), and apply a small amount of Kambo to the open gates.

  • Initially you can expect to have a mild sensation of heat at the application sites. Within 5-7 minutes you will generally experience a rushing or vibrating sensation within the body, and a marked increase in heart rate. At this point, many people will experience a tightness, swelling, or sensation of heat and blood rushing to the face or other areas of the body. The heart beat may become internally loud.

  • At this point, experiences will vary significantly. In general, most people will experience a slow rising of energy through the central channel (center of the body) which may encounter blockages, or become “stuck” at some points. The key in these instances is to continue drinking water (you won't want to), and relax into the intensity as much as possible, such that a purge comes easily (don't worry-- we provide the buckets!). Your practitioner will be with you to help you move energy through the challenging moments, and help you to the bathroom should you need assistance.

  • Once the effects of the medicine have started to subside, I will remove your kambo points and you will be able to lay down for rest and recovery.

  • After the last person receives Kambo, I will close the ceremony and serve bone broth or hot tea and a spread of nutritious snacks. This is a good time to share your experiences.


  • Most Kambo experiences will be challenging, physically and mentally. There are other ways to relate and deepen your relationship with the Frog medicine. After some experience with the medicine (or if you've had quite a bit of experience with other ancestral medicines) it is possible to have a transcendent, even pleasant experience. Visions are rare, but occasionally occur. It all depends on you and how deep you want to go, and how much you are willing to relax into the intensity of the experience.



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Lehigh Valley Holistics

Slatington, Pa 18080


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